Thursday, August 16, 2007

Into the Stream...

Yes, we are finally here, in the streams of wholeness!

Life has a very funny way of bringing us forward to our specific spot of destiny, even after years of denial of our gifts and talents, I am here now to share the abundance of gifts from my Creator.

For many years I have told myself that I cannot write, don't like writing, so when people told me about blogging I was like....!!! and what would the point be in going on and on and on...who would want to hear all I have to say????
Well, when you decide to live your truth, you find that you actually have a lot to share and the real point is that you do, not really who is listening.

I want to welcome you to my blog site. Everything I am sharing is from my heart. I trust that it is as inspirational and and fulfilling for you as the reader as it is for me as the writer!

All love and Endless Blessings of Peace to YOU!

Always in the Grace of LOVE...Ombassa

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