Thursday, August 16, 2007

Precious Moments...

Moments are precious in this new era, how we utilize the time we spend on building and restoring our consciousness is mandatory to transmutation.

If we realize our connection to everything we will understand that the change begins and ends-only to begin again with -self. Sharing this wealth always brings with it a sense of worth and completion. It takes a village indeed to raise all of the children under this sun. God has given all of us the pieces to the puzzle of liberation from the chaos we see in the human race. Identification of who we are in this circle of life is key to activating the light switch .

Love is the antidote to the fear pills we have swallowed over the course of our lives. Making your Exodus…into the New will afford you the luxury of change, healing and movement into the new era.

Why waste any more of your moments?

Make your exodus simply having fun just being who you are…


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