Thursday, September 26, 2013

Why Embrace Love?

Love of self is a much overlooked, and taken for granted component for living perfectly healthy, stress free and wholesome lives.
It is the most important ingredient needed to live our very best lives, to experience vibrant, stress less days, create fantastic relationships, take care of our families, create better communities, and perform optimally in the workplace. 
When we love ourselves completely, we connect with a Higher Power that creates worlds, one that connects everything that exist. With this connective SuperPower, we know a peace that supersedes misunderstandings, confusion, grief and pain. Religion is not needed to know the truth of this connection. Love is the Truth. Love is this Higher Power. Love is YOU.

We place other attributes or habits high on our list of ideals (how best you move each day, what you do, say, eat, etc), that all come along easily anyway , after the decision to love yourself completely. 

It time to create the very best life blueprint for the best existence you deserve. 
Why not start today by fully embracing the LOVE that you are?

Just felt like sharing this morning....

Love, Joy and Peace Always...
Ombassa Sophera 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

P R E S S        R E L E A S E 

Spiritual Stem Cell Approach in Newburgh, NY?
POWER P.L.A.Y. for Babyboomers

NEWBURGH, NY, 9AM, EDT, MARCH 26, 2013: Ombassa Sophera, heats up the Hudson Valley in April with a series of POWER P.L.A.Y. (Passionately Loving Appreciating YOU) events. Ordained Minister focusing on Healthy Lifestyles, Ombassa says,“POWER P.L.A.Y. is being embraced as the new, innovative method that creates a type of “lazuris effect” on anyone brave enough to indulge this entirely therapeutic, spiritual stem cell approach. which always induces endorphin-like effects fostering healthy lifestyles for the masses.
She says: “Laughter and play releases endorphins inducing a natural high. POWER P.L.A.Y. always incites the ability to rebirth your passion and zest for life, renew your spirit, reawaken and enliven the mind (all parts of brain) thereby revitalizing and regenerating your body.”
Though POWER P.L.A.Y. was initially directed toward babyboomers, it has now burned new pathways into corporate venues where meeting rooms are transformed into a huge playgrounds where executives, managers and employees re-create a personalized blueprint for lifetime stress management using various POWER P.L.A.Y. FOR CORPORATE modalities and techniques.
The POWER P.L.A.Y. Experience can consist of any blend of recreational sports, dancing, singing, contest and tournaments, nostalgic games and activities that rekindle the joy of childhood freedom while identifying blockages to peaceful relationships and successful lives. POWER P.L.A.Y. FOR SENIORS provides the unique opportunity to raise their quality of life as their we
The NY POWER P.L.A.Y. Headquarters is the Healing Arts Center at 75 Broadway in Newburgh, NY.  Ombassa  can be found there at least once a month offering these new approaches for ultimate living. If you happen to be in the Boston area you can experience POWER P.L.A.Y. the suburb of Natick at the Roots and Wings Yoga Center.
Ombassa has provided empowering and informative entertainment around the globe for over 25 years, she launched POWER P.L.A.Y. events in June 2011.
Contact: Ombassa Sophera
Phone: (404) 376 7283